Suzanne Gagnon > Homestay List

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Homestay List

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Suzanne Gagnon

UPDATE : 2016-08-25
HOST Family
Built chapter
Living Room
Living Room1



Family Information

Relationships First Name Family Name Gender Birth Religion Job
Mother Suzanne Gagnon female 1957 N/A Government official
Father Fred Simpson male 1957 N/A Teacher


Adress Not Available
Meal 3meals Internet Wireless
Pets cat Minimum period 12week
Rooms 1 Number of floors
Moving time (bus) 30minutes Cost $


About Homestay

This home-stay is recommended by other international students.
The host-family likes to live with international stuednt. 
They offer the three meals.
Breakdast - Cereal and Toast
Lunch - cook by host-family
Dinner - Pasta,Rice,Pizza and mexican food.
The host-family allows one or two friends of international student to visit home-stay. They enjoy to meet people.  The house is located near the Rideau Canal and close to downtown. The convenient facility is located near home.


Choi HyeonSeon

Choi HyeonSeon DATE

I have been living with Suzanne for 6 months. I can walk to downtown when weather is good because the house is located near downtown. The host family treats me like family. But I need to keep a manner. They offer 3 meals and I can cook if I feel hungry. In summer, host-family takes the long vacation so I can leave alone. In winter, I can go skating in Rideau without rental fee of skate because host father lend his skate to me. I like to stay in here. But bus comes not on time so I would recommend to ride a bike.

Total 15 1 page
게시물 검색
Homestay List 목록
Num House name Update HIT GOOD BAD Possible
15 Stephanie Sweetland 인기글첨부파일 02-17 2627 0 0 o
14 Denise 인기글첨부파일 02-17 1601 0 0 x
13 Elizabeth Henderson 인기글첨부파일 09-29 1891 0 0 x
12 Alex Vaga 인기글첨부파일 08-25 2581 0 0 x
11 Willy Venkatarangam 인기글첨부파일 08-25 2316 0 0 o
10 Patricia 인기글첨부파일 08-25 1555 0 0 o
열람중 Suzanne Gagnon 댓글1 인기글첨부파일 08-25 2356 0 0 x
8 Bienvenida Go 인기글첨부파일 09-23 2038 0 0 o
7 CHOI, Gap Sun & YUN,Eun Sub (Korean Family) 인기글첨부파일 08-24 2032 0 0 o
6 HONG,Youngji & Jonathan Green 인기글첨부파일 08-25 1689 0 0 x
5 Dario & Ayesha 인기글 03-28 1660 0 0 x
4 Rose 인기글첨부파일 03-28 2029 0 0 x
3 Joanne 댓글2 인기글첨부파일 08-25 1990 0 0 x
2 Dan & Betty 인기글첨부파일 03-11 1597 0 0 o
1 Mary Allan 댓글3 인기글첨부파일 08-25 2608 0 0 o

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